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Benny award
Boo award
Jossa award
Vinny award


Keeshond Puppies | Keeshond Dog Breeder | Keeshond Puppies For Sale


Are you looking for a keeshond puppy? We occasionally have keeshond puppies for sale.

Welcome To Clingmey Keeshonden, We have been raising Keeshond dogs since 1982. As a Keeshond Fancier we raise this breed for show, performance and companion.Keeshonds are so versatile they can be trained for anything from a Trick dog to Therapy and Service dogs and They make WONDERFUL FAMILY PETS.

Keep up with the latest happenings at Clingmey Keeshondens by visiting our "What's New" page!


Boo became the 1st Keeshond to earn a BCAT title with AKC
"Boo" finished her BCAT title in Union Bridge, Md.
at the DCA Fast Cat Trial.


BCAT article

Click above to read the full article,
originally published Jan. 24, 2018 in the Cumberland County Reminder.

AKC Bronze Breeder of Merit Breeder of Merit certificate

Our Keeshond testing results can be found on the My Boys and My Girls section.

  • All of our Keeshonds are FULLY Health tested at the appropriate age and PHPT tested or negative by descent. Some Large scale breeders have litters before their dogs have had the health testing done. Do your homework and ask if testing is completed prior to sire or dam being bred. These breeders have litters to satisfy supply in demand and do not have the best interest of the breed in mind
  • Visit the OFA website to view the current testing status performed for our Keeshonds.
  • A Breeder should invest time into their dogs, it is not about just breeding, they should be a member of at the least an all breed club. Proud member of the Gloucester County Kennel Club.
  • Proud member of Keeshond Club of America.



This video will make your day! WATCH these adorable pups explore their world. There's Boo, Matisse, Teddy, Shadow, Simon, and Caesar to name a few. #AKCKeeshond

Posted by American Kennel Club on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Keeshond Club of America Fast CAT 2024 featuring our dogs.

We were honored to have a story done on our dogs being involved in AKC Fast Cat Events. Our Boo was the Premier Keeshond to obtain a title in these events.

Today's Breeder article Today's Breeder article page 2

Today's Breeder article page 3 Today's Breeder article page 4

We believe the "Keeshond" can have it "all", great temperament, great health and excellent beauty. We are loved and owned by some very special "Keeshonden". WE ARE NOT A BREEDING KENNEL, PLEASE DO NOT CONFUSE US WITH OTHERS, we keep a very short wait list for future puppies because we do not have keeshond puppies readily available and when we decide to breed we do ALL of the health testing to make sure our dogs are sound prior to breeding. Our dogs live in our home & are underfoot on a daily basis. There are no kennels in our home, that is the difference. The dogs really do live in our home and are a part of the family. You can come and visit and meet all of our dogs, our door is always open. We register our dogs with the American Kennel Club and we adhere to the American Kennel Club code of ethics. We will refer to reputable breeders, Beware of BYB (Backyard breeders ) or HVB ( high volume) breeders who advertise on pet selling internet sites.
The testing which is recommended for the Keeshond Breed is as follows: If the Keeshond Breeder you are looking at does not do these tests and have results readily available look elsewhere. You can also check using the registered name of the dog to check on health testing.

Keeshond Common Health Screenings

The following health screenings are performed by responsible Keeshond breeders: Ask to see documentation on both parents prior to them being bred:

  • Cardiac Evaluation - OFA
  • Hip Dysplasia (OFA or PennHIP)
  • Patella evaluation (OFA)
  • PHPT (Cornell)
  • Elbow evaluation(OFA)
  • CERF Screening (Canine Eye Research Foundation)
  • Thyroid screening

My AKC testing pledge

Kees are friendly!

Call for availability on future Keeshond pups!

Keeshond   Keeshonds

Keeshond   Keeshond

>> Looking for General Puppy Information <<

Keeshond   Keeshonds

Keeshond   Keeshond

We do not breed on a regular basis, but when we do decide to have a litter we carefully take the time to pick out and research something that we would like to have. If you are looking for a puppy from Clingmey and we do not have a litter planned do not worry we can refer you to a reputable Keeshond breeder or place you on a puppy waiting list. When looking at other breeds in the "spitz" family, the "Keeshond" is less yappy with their bark, they are intelligent and intuitive. Bright and happy the Keeshond needs moderate exercise and companionship. Keeshonden are very people-oriented, they crave attention and love to be part of a family. So whether you spell it Keeshound, Keeshounds, Keyshounds, Keyshond all in all what you get is a happy keeshond puppy.The Keeshond name may be mispronounced Kay sawn, Case-hond, Kas-hond, Keys-hând, Keesh-ond, Keesh-hond, Keeshond, and Keesh-hound.

"Keeshond puppies" are very playful and mischievious and early socialization is important to build an outgoing, confident temperament. Keeshonds will bark, they have excellent hearing. Keeshonds normally get along with other pets in the household.

"Kees" are also known as the "Smiling Dutchman" "Wolfspitz" "dutch barge dog" once you see they curl the lip and show their teeth in a funny grin you will see the difference. It is definately a smile.. Keeshonds can be trained for almost anything, Service dogs, Therapy Dogs, they have a very high intelligence and love to please their owners. Two  of my past puppies are Pet therapy certified, what a wonderful accomplishment for this breed.

Keeshond puppy by the swimming pool   Keeshond in the yard.   Keeshond dog swimming in the pool.

Keeshond jumping over dog hurdle.   Keeshond jumping over dog hurdle 3 bars

The Keeshond is a very old breed, and have always been raised for watchdogs and family companions. Never being bred to hunt, kill other animals etc. accounts for their gentleness and intelligence. They are devoted to their family as home loving dogs and have a special kind of love for children. The first Keeshond was registered with the AKC in 1930 under Keeshonden in the Non-Sporting group.

Some of our Keeshond Show Championship Dog Awards

Boo Beginner Versatile certificate Penny  CH certificate. Dazzle, Puppy of Achievement award

Boo DCAT certificate Vinny BCAT. Vinny Grand Show Champion.

Vinny, AKC Champ cert. Jossa, AKC Champ cert. Violet AKC Championship cert.

Benny, AKC Champ cert. Jossa, Rally title certificate. Vinny Puppy Achievement Award.

Boo, CKC award. Liar Liar, Achiever Dog certificate. Vinny UKC CH.

Kandy Boo, Achiever Dog certificate. Kandy, CKC award.

Kandy Champ cert. Mattise, AKC Champion certificate. Boo, Rally title certificate.

Boo, AKC Good Citizen certificate. Kati's Capital award. Boo, Keeshond Show Championship certificate.

Jossa, Keeshond Show Championship certificate. Bred with H.E.A.R.T. Certficate. Kati AKC Championship Certficate.

Kayah Canine Good Citizenship Certficate. Kami Cert Kaya, Keeshond Show Championship Dog Award.

Sizzle CHKati ICKC Cert. Kamio ICKC Cert.

Kandy, Keeshond Show Championship Dog Award.  Kami, Keeshond Show Championship Dog Award.  Kati

Kami 2013 award  Sizzle 2013 award

Keeshond pups prefers not to ship our puppies, we want to meet the new families who will safe guard one of our puppies for their entire life. Our keeshond puppies live in some of the following states as well as Canada:

Alabama, Arizona Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee ,Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Give us a call at 856-404-3047, we'd love to talk about our Keeshonds.
Graphics/Content Copyright © 2010-2025 Keeshond Pups
Cyndi Clingerman - Ph: 856-404-3047