We do not always have keeshond puppies available. Normal wait time is 6 to 9 months. Preferred method of contact is by email, click to send an email with attached completed questionnaire and pet contract to be put on a wait list.
We have AKC/UKC registered Keeshonden I have been exclusively raising Keeshonden since 1982 and is the only breed I have ever owned or will own. This breed is extremely intelligent and a wonderful addition to any family unit. Please come and meet them and see for yourself. Visitors are always welcome to come visit and meet my Keeshonden they will meet you at the door with wagging tails and loads of kisses. I love my dogs, they are my life and they can be yours as well. I am a Proud member of the Gloucester County Kennel Club.
Looking for a Breeder
Hobby Breeders more than likely will not have a puppy available at the time you contact them, that's why they are hobby breeders, we don't breed to satisfy the whim of someone wanting their new puppy in a month or two, we breed to better our breed ,we make careful selection of the parents of your new puppy, looking for attributes in each parent to compliment the other. It's not all about putting 2 dogs together to have a litter. We screen potential buyers, ask for references. We do all the health testing on the adult dogs to make sure they are physically fit to have that litter, we make sure the dam is mature emotionally and physically to take care of a litter, and we do normally keep one from a litter to carry on our hobby. Most breed once or twice a year and screen buyers way before the breeding takes place. Puppies don't grow like weeds, many factors come into play, "heat cycles", age of the mom to be, is the genetic testing complete. If the bitch the breeder wants to breed goes into her cycle a month before she completes her health testing well that breeding is put off until 7 months or so later and why it is called being responsible. Breeders do talk, so when you find someone you are comfortable with stick with them please don't continue "shopping". You won't find responsible breeders advertising puppies for sale on internet sites such as Next day or Puppy finder, people who place ads on sites like these breed for money and do not have the best interest of the breed in mind. We refer to other breeders who might be planning a litter way before we will too. Now the question of why do we do this. Well in all honesty because we love it, we love being able to produce a good representation of our breed, to make families happy, in the long run waiting for a puppy from us will be well worth it and will be a treasured member of your family.
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Just Born
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12 Days Old
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16 Days Old
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24 Days Old
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6 Weeks Old
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8 Weeks Old
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Keeshond Pup
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Keeshond Pups
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Keeshond Pup
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Keeshond Pup
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Keeshond Pup
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Keeshond Pups
Things to know
Responsible Reputable Keeshond Breeders care about the future of their breed and the quality of puppies they bring into the world.
Responsible Reputable Keeshond Breeders DO NOT breed to make money, but to produce the best quality companions that conform to the Breed Standard, such as performing the work their breed was intended for with good working aptitude, and are of good health. (For more about Reputable Breeders, click here)
Please be careful who you purchase your new Keeshond from, there are alot of people who do not do the proper testing, such as the PHPT test. We want healthy Keeshond puppies out there.Be leery of breeders who have keeshond puppies readily available. Be sure to meet the parents, and ask questions!!!
So you want to choose a keeshond puppy. This one drives puppy buyers CRAZY. I know this, trust me. I have a lot of sympathy because I've been there. But the fact is that when you come into my house and look at the six week-old keeshond puppies and one comes running to you and you look at me, and say "THIS IS IT! He chose ME," I've been looking at people coming into the house all week, and every single time this same puppy has run up to them and every single one of them have said to me "THIS IS IT! Think about it you will see I am right." This is not a pet store nor is this a breeding facility where there are loads of puppies to look at, this is my home and I try very hard to have the greatest keeshond puppies I can possibly have.
What you are seeing is not reality. You are seeing the most outgoing keeshond puppy, or you have fallen in love with the one that has the black muzzle, or the one that has a different look from the rest of the litter. Or, sometimes, you have a very good instinctive eye and you're picking the keeshond puppy that's the best put together of the litter. And that puppy, of course, is mine, and you're going to have to pry him out of my cold dead hands.
My responsibility is not to make you happy. My responsibility is to the BREED first. That's why my first priority in placingkeeshond puppies is the show owners, because they are the ones that will (if all goes well) use this dog to keep the breed going. It's not that I like them better than I like you; it's that I have to be extremely careful who I place with them so that they can make breeding decisions with the very best genetic material I can hand them. My second responsibility is to the Keeshond Puppy . I will place each puppy where I feel that it has the best chance of success and the optimal environment to thrive. We temperament test at 7 weeks old to try and match up the puppies with new parents.
So while I do care, and I will take your preferences into account, regarding the sex of the puppy, do not expect to walk into my living room and put your hand in the box and pick whatever puppy you want. And do not expect to be given priority pick because you contacted me first; conversely, do not expect that because you came along late you somehow won't get a good puppy. Sometimes the person who calls me when the puppies are seven and a half weeks old ends up with what I'd consider the pick and I am going to try to do my absolute best to match puppies to owners as objectively as I can, not according to who called first. Believe me you will be happy with whichever puppy you take home and you will love that puppy FOREVER !!!!!
Call Us Today! 856-404-3047. We encourage visits while the keeshond puppies are growing so you can see their progress. Icare about all of these puppies as if they are my own. Our Keeshond Puppies are sold in the hopes of going to show homes, or performance homes. The Keeshond Breed is very intelligent and are quick learners.
AKC Family Dog picked up our video and posted it on their Facebook page!
Every Fluffy in the Pool!
These 6.5-week-old Keeshonden pups are learning the dog paddle in a pool that’s perfect for teaching youngsters. Reader Cyndi Meyers, of the Clingmey Keeshonden kennel, says the pool is two feet deep and there are always three people on hand to provide safety and encouragement.
“I just think introducing puppies to many things makes them more rounded,” says Meyers, who has been raising Keeshonden for more than 30 years. “It builds confidence.”
As you can see from the wagging tails, just one dip gave these sweet fluff balls a big sense of accomplishment.
Every Fluffy in the Pool!
These 6.5-week-old Keeshonden pups are learning the dog paddle in a pool that’s perfect for teaching youngsters. Reader Cyndi Meyers, of the Clingmey Keeshonden kennel, says the pool is two feet deep and there are always three people on hand to provide safety and encouragement.
“I just think introducing puppies to many things makes them more rounded,” says Meyers, who has been raising Keeshonden for more than 30 years. “It builds confidence.”
As you can see from the wagging tails, just one dip gave these sweet fluff balls a big sense of accomplishment.
Did you teach your puppy (or older dog) to swim? Tell us about it.
#akckeeshonden #clingmeykeeshonden #puppyswimming #dogpaddle