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Keeshond Club of America Fast CAT 2024 featuring our dogs.

Jossa and Vinny both finished their AKC CH TITLE on 9/29/18 in New York

Jossa and Vinny both finished their AKC CH TITLE on 9/29/18 in New York.

One of our retired ladies (Kami) was featured in the local Canal Walk Newspaper in Somerset NJ. May 2018 issue. Click the below photo to read the full article.

Our retired female (Kami) was featured in the local
Canal Walk Newspaper in Somerset NJ. May 2018 issue.

Benny aka Clingmey's Deception finished his championship going BOB in Abilene Texas.

Benny's BOB win

"Boo" became the 1st Keeshond to earn a BCAT title with AKC.
She finished this title in Union Bridge Md. at the DCA Fast Cat Trial.
'Boo' became the 1st Keeshond to earn a BCAT title with AKC


Boo's FCAT ribbonsWe tried something new this past weekend. I took Boo for her first FCAT Trials in Freehold. She got her first 3 Q runs and is over halfway there for her title. The photographer Mark Baer took some fantastic shots of Boo.

Boo's FCAT trials


Boo's FCAT trials Boo's FCAT trials

Boo's FCAT trials Boo's FCAT trials

On Oct 21, 2016 Mattise also won his 1st Major going WD BW. Mattise speciality ribbons


Jossa took WB in Beuna NJ on Oct 21, 2016 winning her 1st 3 point major.
Jossa took WB in Beuna NJ on Oct 21, 2016 winning her 1st 3 point major.


On 9/11/16 Boo won her 1st BOB!
On 9/11/16 Boo won her 1st BOB.


Boo in Lambertville NJ goes WB BW BOS. What a Great Day!
Boo in Lambertville NJ goes WB BW BOS.


AKC Family Dog picked up our video and posted it on their Facebook page!

Keeshond Paddle

Every Fluffy in the Pool! These 6.5-week-old Keeshonden pups are learning the dog paddle in a pool that’s perfect for teaching youngsters. Reader Cyndi Meyers, of the Clingmey Keeshonden kennel, says the pool is two feet deep and there are always three people on hand to provide safety and encouragement. “I just think introducing puppies to many things makes them more rounded,” says Meyers, who has been raising Keeshonden for more than 30 years. “It builds confidence.” As you can see from the wagging tails, just one dip gave these sweet fluff balls a big sense of accomplishment. Did you teach your puppy (or older dog) to swim? Tell us about it. #akckeeshonden #clingmeykeeshonden #puppyswimming #dogpaddle

Posted by AKC Family Dog on Thursday, June 23, 2016

Jossa in Freehold NJ May 27, went BOB and WB
Jossa in Freehold NJ May 27 went BOB and WB


On April 9th Jossa in her first international dog shows, she was awarded 3 BOB wins, 1 BOS, and 3 Group 1 wins.
Jossa winning her first international dog shows


Click to read full story.
A Clingmey Keeshond is featured in the AKC Family Dog Magazine

Kati's portrait For a special memory of your pet, have their portrait done. Artist Cindy Alesi drew Kati's portrait with love and accuracy. Visit her site for more information on how to have your beloved pet's likeness created.


11/7 & 11/8. We attended our first UKC shows Boo winning best female 3 shows and Jossa winning best female and reserve.
Boo winning best female Jossa winning best female and reserve

10/31/15 Colts Neck NJ. Jossa got her 1st leg towards her CA Title.
Jossa winning her 1st leg towards her CA Title Jossa's 1st leg towards her CA Title Ribbon

October 9th Augusta  NJ, very proud of Boo, her 1st AKC show and her 1st point at 6 months old.
Boo Boo's Ribbons

Boo's speciality ribbonsBoo attended the Capital Keeshond Club Specialty in West Friendship Md winning 2nd in sweeps and 2nd in her class.


On 9/26 Boo won a BOB puppy and a Group 2 in puppy competition in St James, NYBoo won a BOB puppy


We at Clingmey are very excited that one of our dogs(Kami) was chosen for an online ad featured by Drs. Foster and Smith retail store-
Boo featured as Dog of the Week

We're also excited that our Boo beat out competition with a total of 9204 votes to be the featured dog of the week on Modern Dog Magazine- Boo featured as Dog of the Week


Kami BOS' Kami goes BOS on 8/1 and 8/2 in Lambertville. NJ,
picking up another point towards her GCH!!

Jossa 'A Beautiful Keeshond' Jossa (Clingmey's Liar Liar) attended her 1st dog shows at the California Sierra Keeshond Club Specialty, held in conjunction with the Keeshond Club of America's National held in Sacramento, CA May 5th through May 9, 2015. On May 6th she placed 3rd in the 6 to 9 month puppy bitch class and on May 8th she placed 2nd with strong competition. I could not be more proud of this, my first truly home bred 7 month old puppy, what a wonderful experience it was for her. To have her show so nicely and then to actually place was something I will hold dear to my heart forever.

~ Cyndi

Jossa 1
Jossa 2
Jossa 3

Clingmey's What Goes Around Comes Around (Phantom) and his human mom Mindy Songer In Durham NC have successfully completed the AKC Star Puppy. We are very proud of them.

Phantom's certificate

Ryder (Clingmey's Wild Tails r' Wag'n) entered his 1st dog shows in Gray, TN 5/16 & 5/17 winning BOB both days. Ryder is out of our Kami. Very proud of this puppy and proud of his humans Richard & Joan.

Ryder's ribbons
If you have any questions, please feel free to email.
Graphics/Content Copyright © 2010-2025 Keeshond Pups
Cyndi Clingerman - Ph: 856-404-3047